Explanation of Cambric, Linoid and Air-Cushion Finish

published: 29 Jan 2014

Below is an explanation of Cambric, Linoid and Air-Cushion Finish.

We cant take credit for this information. Credit goes to a person whose username is DangerD205. We found this information in a magic forum and we are making it available to everyone.

The extract is as follows:

There are different finishes on the following top 3 brand cards. Bicycle-Air-Cusion, Tally-Ho-Linoid, Bee-Cambric. So I gathered some basic information for you guys, to kind of give you an idea of the difference. Ok, this is not a Rant, Rave, or Essay. These are just some basic facts that I have gathered through research.

Bicycle: Air-Cushion Finish.
And 'Air-Cushion' Is a 'pocket' of air, used to absorb shock.
An 'Air-Cushion' is used in most trucks, and other vehicles.
For example, when a truck is climbing a mountain,
it uses shocks to help absorb the 'Shock' of the bouncing.
This is where Air-Cushion comes into play.
The air cusioning helps the shocks to absorb the 'Bounce',
and gives the vehicle extra spring. ( For big hills, etc. )

Same goes for Bicycle Cards.
They Bicycle cards are manufactured with an air-cushion.
If you notice in a new pack when first opened,
you can see groups of 10 cards at a time, divided
with a slightly different colour in the breaks. This is the air-cushion.
All this does is give the Bicycles that extra 'spring'
when performing magic, and/or flourishes.
Tally-Ho's and bicycle are pretty equal in quality however.
We will get to that.

Tally-Ho Playing Cards: Linoid Finish.
Basically what a 'Linoid' Finish is. Is a life-extender.
It adds an extra coat onto the cards to keep them from
getting sticky. It also holds the quality to where fans can
be executed more easily. This is why in a new pack of Tally-Ho's,
the cards a extremly stiff. This is caused by the Linoid finish.
Tally-Ho's, like Bicycles. Are GREAT for using in card magic.
( Overall opinion from magicians ) They are pretty much equal
in quality. The Tally-Ho's will most likley last longer,
whilst the Bicycles will spring better.
( general statment with slight opinion )

Bee Playing cards: Cambric Finish.
Cambric is a cotton like matirial that can also be found
in very expensive bed-sheets. Cambric is atually a 'Woven' cotten.
If you notice the design in Bee playing cards,
it is a Woven design. This is because of the Cambric finish.
I am not saying that Bee's are made of cotten,
I am saying it uses the matirial, and is woven the same way.
This is why ( if you notice ) Bee's seem to be soft when shuffling.
Cambric allows cards to be bent more, without giving to much-
damage to the cards. The Cambric in my opinion seems
to absorb alot pressure on the cards,
to make for a better shuffle.
Explanation of Cambric, Linoid and Air-Cushion Finish 1

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