Kings Playing Cards in White By Peter McKinnon and Daniel Madison, now available from KardsGeek

published: 29 Oct 2014

In 2012, Peter McKinnon and Daniel Madison collaborated on a video project in the dry lake-beds of Las Vegas, not quite realising at that time such a simple meeting of two creative minds would lead them to The KINGS deck.

Whenever Peter and Daniel work together, waves are made and a unique creative vessel is opened. The Kings deck is the ultimate representation of their joint creative forces.

Peter and Daniel spent a lot of time brainstorming, designing and creating their ideal deck of cards. Cards that would be fit for Kings.

Peter and Daniel were meticulous and scrupulous with their requirements for the deck. They tested numerous stocks and finishes until they found and created a unique Kings finish and stock. The cards were traditionally cut to further advance gambling techniques, they are sturdy yet flexible enough for cardistry and sleight-of-hand.

They wanted a box that would look like a block of gold - direct from the Kings share - with a deck of cards perfectly designed to cater for both minimalistic beauty and a stunning design.

Peter and Daniel decided to make the Kings deck a secret weapon right out of the box. Readily stacked in Mnemonica AND fully marked so that not only would the performer be able to identify every singe card in the deck by the back alone (see, but also have the ability perform instant Mnemonica miracles. They added a double-backer and two unique and personalised jokers, and on top of that, they lost the ad-card and replaced it with an Angle Z Gaff card.

Two years in the making, Peter and Daniel returned to Las Vegas to celebrate their creation and film a heist that would represent their collaborative brilliance.

When you purchase the KINGS deck, you will get a PDF with instructions on how to learn the markings on the back of the cards.

This is, the KINGS deck.


As part of the campaign for KINGS, Peter & Daniel sent out a select number of decks to our favourite Instagram users across the world. Decks were sent through the States, Canada, France, Scotland, even as far as Slovakia. These users then posted their artistic brilliance that captured the KINGS brand, with the utmost precision and creativity.

Tomas Hlavaty - All the way from Slovakia, Tomas is an exceptional artist with some wild penmanship and typography skills. He is well known for painting on playing cards and having an incredible precision in doing so. Tomas can be found on Instagram at tomashlavaty

Adam Kirby - Otherwise known as 'playingcardart' in the Instagram community, takes some truly remarkable photographs. One of the best photographers around shooting our subject matter. It was a no brainer to get a deck of KINGS in his hands the second they rolled off the press. How he managed to not get the deck covered in what appears to be black tar is impressive, to say the least!

Chris Ramsay - A fellow Canadian to our team up north! Chris is a unique and creative force constantly pumping out meaningful, and thought provoking art with playing cards. Typically, there are too many photos of his we enjoy to pick just one. He can be found on Instagram at chrisramsay52

Benoit Pervier - All the way from France, Benoit constantly pumps out imagery that makes us laugh, think and marvel. Often clever, or a play on the actual name of the deck / cards, Benoit has an instantly recognizable style and we are thrilled to see the cards in his hands. he can be found on Instagram at benoitpervier

Jeremy Griffith - Known as 'Lost Angelus' online -The master of levitation and 'floatation' pictures. This guy will make anything float - digitally of course ;) Aside taking some wild floating shots of decks of cards, Jeremy adds a creative twist with making those cards float in patterns and orientations that only the privy understand. He can be found on Instagram at lost_angelus

- Standard Index (pips)
- Custom Court Cards
- Highest quality playing cards
- Durable finish
- Suitable for all card games
- Great for cardistry
- Awesome for magic
- Marked cards
- Custom Jokers
- 1 double backer
- 1 Angle Z Gaff card
- Dimensions: 3.5 x 2.5 inches
- Custom Gold tuck box

Kings Playing Cards in White By Peter McKinnon and Daniel Madison, now available from KardsGeek 1

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