Skull & Bones Playing Cards now available from KardsGeek

published: 03 Jan 2014

Skull & Bones Playing Cards now available from KardsGeek

Check them out here

First released over 100 years ago! These limited edition playing cards are available once again in both red and black with Cambric (embossed) feel.

Produced by the Conjuring Arts Research Center and printed by the United States Playing Card Co.

This deck is completely sold out at the Conjuring Arts Research Centre in New York.

Conjuring Arts produced this card off the back of discovering a single skull and bones card, apparently dating back 100 years. They say, 'To our knowledge this is the only card like this that is known to exist and we don’t think any other collector has another single card, let alone a whole deck of them! We found the subject matter fun and up to date for today’s tastes so we had the art redrawn by hand and printed at USPCC'

Are they badass? Most definitely!

Skull & Bones Playing Cards now available from KardsGeek 1

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